Heidegger in Dwelling, Building, Thinking, suggests a notion of immateriality and materiality of dwelling: where one dwells is where one is at home, where one has a place. Human civilisations are growing at unprecedented rate that shapes multiple changes of human living conditions, including how we dwell and how our dwellings have evolved. This conference seeks to gather and redefine global new perspectives on dwelling form through exploration on these changes.

The conference intends to call for an alternative exploration and discourse based on a transformation on our livelihood to complement current dwelling form discourse which is largely emphasizing on the improvement of existing physical dwelling provisions. Such alternative viewpoint is necessary as meaningful and significant improvement on living conditions cannot be achieved without understanding the complex and contemporary ways of dwelling in both Indonesian and global context.

The discussion on International Conference on Dwelling Form 2015 is aimed to be centered on how the notion of dwelling can be reconstructed through redefining life cycles and meaning, how it can be situated beyond the constant and the tangible, how its material can be expanded towards the immaterial in multiple scopes and context. To ensure comprehensive outreach in such discourse, this conference invites global multidisciplinary participants to discuss these objectives. Various articles of past, present, local and global references can be critically used as a basis of investigation and exploration towards the global perspectives of dwelling form.

I-Dwell is organized by Department of Architecture, Universitas Indonesia, in conjunction with The 14th International Conference on QiR (Quality in Research) organized by Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia.


Reconstructing Dwelling

The reconstruction of dwelling form is started by examining dwelling as a process. Therefore it can be explored through understanding a dwelling as inconstant entity and instead consists of continuously evolving living practices that is given meaning by how it occurs through space and time. Although constantly changing, definition of dwelling form should also need to note that it accommodates various kinds of lifecycles that are shaped and surrounded by repetitive rituals and rhythmic routines of the dwellers. This recurring lifecycles also opens further interrogation on how dwellers might or might not develop an attachment to places where they dwell. The key points of this theme would consist as follow:

  • Dwelling process
  • Life cycle in dwelling
  • Dwelling and attachment to place

Situat(ing) Dwelling

If a dwelling is understood as an inconstant process, its setting can also be repositioned and redefined. This theme seeks to explore dwelling as a fragment of the dwellers journey. In current age of political, environmental and economic instability as well as technological advancement, human are more mobile than ever. It is necessary to explore what being mobile dwellers means—and its variation such as nomadic, diaspora, and so forth—corresponds with how dwelling boundaries can be extended. Through this advancement, the experience of dwelling can also be expanded. The integration or disintegration between body and mind can also provide different kinds of dwelling experience such as the case in the augmented and virtual reality in our everyday living experience. The key points of this theme are:

  • The routes and journey of dwelling
  • Alternative experience of dwelling
  • Augmented/virtual reality and dwelling

Dwelling (Im)materiality

The materiality of a dweller’s dwelling was once closely linked to its environment. In the changing ways of how a dwelling and its dwellers can be situated, this theme calls for further exploration on how this tight connection might be disrupted and then redefined. It is an attempt to look at dwelling not only as a fixed materiality, but how it is rather gradually constructed based on available matters under way, evolving skills, and shifting needs. In addition, these variables also changes how ecological relationship between dwellings, dwellers and environments of which it all situated can be reviewed. This theme’s key points will be:

  • Current dwelling materiality and beyond
  • Eco-logic of dwelling
  • Dwelling and Environment

Multiple Dwelling Scopes

Dwellings in various scopes and contexts require different exploration in reconstructing its meaning. This theme enables investigation on dwelling in smaller scales and how it may differ from larger scales. It explores how different scales might influence how living units are coexisted and how amenities are shared. Different cultural, political and economic context might also affect how these dwelling scales can grow and collectively constructed. Therefore, this theme will be based on the following key points:

  • Micro Dwelling
  • Collective Dwelling
  • Emergence of New Dwelling Typologies


Proceeding Download

Click here to get the IDWELL 2015 Proceedings.


Conference will be held at Hotel Lombok Raya. Location: Jl. Panca Usaha No. 11 Mataram 93231, Lombok – Indonesia. Hotel Lombok Raya is located in the center of Mataram, capital of Nusa Tenggara Barat Province. It is only 45-minute drive from Lombok International Airport and 25 minutes from Lembar Harbour. Across Hotel Lombok Raya is the largest shopping center in Mataram. It only takes a 25 minutes to reach the famous Senggigi Beach, the most popular travel destination in Lombok. More information about the venue will be available here



Triatno Yudo Harjoko

Professor of Urban Housing and Settlement
Department of Architecture
Universitas Indonesia


Yandi Andri Yatmo

Professor of Architecture
Department of Architecture
Universitas Indonesia


Paramita Atmodiwirjo

Graduate Program Coordinator
Department of Architecture
Universitas Indonesia